• AUN-TEPL Symposium
  • adec@um.edu.my

Multiple intelligence in Personalised Teaching and Learning Strategies

Multiple intelligence (MI) inventory is a viable approach for personalised teaching and learning (T&L). Gardner theorised that in addition to intellectual capacity, people possess many other forms of intelligence, including verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical rhythmic, bodily-kinesthetics, visual-spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence. Targeting MI profile enables individualised T&L and enhances educators’ assessment literacy. Mismatch of delivery method and learners’ abilities has been reported as a contributor of learning failure. It has been suggested that educators should know their learners’ potential, strengths and weaknesses, all of which could be revealed via MI inventory. Employing the right T&L strategies according to an individual’s MI profile, allows for personalised T&L and empowers the full range of personal intelligences. MI instruction is not only meant to empower; it can also unearth a learner’s potential while developing the learner’s weak intelligences. Various MI-based engagement activities would be fun, and encourage learners to contextualize learning based on their own individual strengths. With the advent of 21st century education, many online platforms now offer variations in instructional and assessment repertoires. Integrating technology according to each learner’s unique MI is the way forward to revamp T&L for this era’s techno savvy generation.

Looi M.L. is a blended learning advocate. She has been a Medical Science educator for 10 years and pioneered efforts for blended learning in the former University that she served. Since joining Universiti Malaya, she has been communicating her blended learning experience and embracing technology use in the learning process.
Contact Information:
Faculty of Medicine,
Universiti Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur,


Last Update: 09/05/2022